GE Maskintjänst AB


It is of the utmost importance to us that any irregularities within our organization come to the surface. Via this service, you can easily, securely and if you want to anonymously report a case regarding misconduct.

How it works

Here you can safely report work-related misconduct. By law, your employer must not prevent you from reporting misconduct or reprimanding you or someone connected to you, such as a colleague. As a whistleblower you cannot be held liable if you breached your duty of confidentiality when reporting, provided that you had reasonable grounds to assume that the reporting of the information was necessary to reveal the reported misconduct. You can also report your case orally by either switching to audio reporting or requesting a physical meeting when you create your case below.

Confirmation. You will receive a confirmation that the report has been received within seven days of receipt.

PIN code. You will be able to receive confirmation and answers during the processing via a pin code that you receive on the confirmation page. You need to save this PIN code to be able to follow your case and answer any questions. If you lose this PIN code, you will no longer be able to follow the case and in this case you will have to send in a new case and refer to the previous one.

Personal information. Your case will be kept for as long as is necessary for handling, but not longer than 2 years. Reported case, any personal information you provide and correspondence is always stored encrypted. Your safety is of utmost importance to everyone involved.

A whistleblowing experience to you by